SDMA Multi-Level Systems of Supports (MLSS)

Supports for ALL Learners

Within the School District of the Menomonie Area, implementing a multi-level system of supports means providing equitable services, practices, and resources to every learner based upon responsiveness to effective instruction and intervention. In this system, high quality instruction, strategic use of data, and collaboration interact within a continuum of supports to facilitate learner success.

What Supports are in Available?

Schools provide varying types of support at differing levels of intensity to proactively and responsively adjust to the needs of the whole child. These include the knowledge, skills, and habits learners need for success beyond high school, including developmental, academic, behavioral, social and emotional skills.

How are Supports Provided?

Interventions, for remediation as well as for enrichment, are most often delivered as part of W.I.N. (What I Need) time. This identified time within the instructional day, provides SDMA staff an opportunity to work with individual, small, and/or large groups of students to provide academic and/or behavioral supports to all students based on their needs. W.I.N. at the high school level within the SDMA occurs as part of Learning Lab, and/or during study hall.

Early Literacy Support in the SDMA - Wisconsin Act 20 The School District of the Menomonie Area (SDMA) is excited to implement strategies aligned with Act 20. Act 20 is designed to improve early literacy outcomes for all students. It calls for schools to provide additional resources and support to help children learn to read by the end of third grade. This law focuses more on foundational reading skills, such as phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. To learn more about how the SDMA will be implementing the requirements of WI Act 20, and our approach to early literacy within the SDMA, please visit the SDMA Act 20 information for parents web page, as well as take time to view the SDMA Early Literacy Remediation Plan linked below.
Please click on the following link to access the SDMA Early Literacy Remediation Plan

The SDMA bases its support for students on the Wisconsin Multi-Level Systems of Supports Model.

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