Curriculum Transparency in the SDMA
Beginning with the 2018 school year the SDMA opened up public online access to curriculum maps for courses taught throughout the district. The SDMA continues to be highlighted as a leader in the region related to open access and curriculum transparency as a result of the wide-variety of curriculum resources that are easily accessible to families and the community at large.
Curriculum Standards and Assessment
- Curriculum within the School District of the Menomonie Area (SDMA) is based on the identified Wisconsin Standards for each content area.
- In accordance with 2015 WI Act 55, curriculum standards used within the SDMA are reviewed annually by the SDMA Board of Education during the month of July, and can be accessed by the public on the SDMA Curriculum Website.
- In alignment with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and WI State Statute 118.30, student proficiency levels within the content areas of English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are assessed as part of the WI State Assessment System (WSAS) each year in Grades 3-11 (ELA and Math), Grades 4, 8, and 10 (Social Studies), and Grades 4, 8, and 11 (Science).
- Assessment results are shared annually with the Board of Education as part of the calendar of board reports (Typically in October/November).
- In accordance with WI Statute 115.385 school and school district accountability reports (WI School Report Cards) are made available to parents (via email distribution) and posted to the school district website annually.
Curriculum Maps (Scope & Sequence)
- SDMA curriculum maps are developed by staff within the SDMA and include a listing of course names, units, topics, and learning targets for all academic subjects taught in the SDMA.
- Curriculum maps can be accessed by the public on the SDMA Curriculum Website under the Curriculum Maps link.
- As part of the Major Goals and Activities for the 2017-2018 school year, all K-12 curriculum maps and improved access to curriculum maps were reviewed and updated.
- Curriculum maps are housed in an online database called Embarc. The public use of this site was demonstrated to the Board of Education and the community at the August 13, 2018 Regular Board Meeting. Local media also highlighted this work in September, 2018.
- An abbreviated elementary curriculum scope and sequence document is accessible by the public on the SDMA Curriculum Website under the Curriculum Maps link.
- Curriculum maps are reviewed and updated as part of the program review process conducted on a five year rotating basis, or as needed, among departments within the SDMA.
Textbooks (Physical and Digital)
- The SDMA reviews and selects textbooks for use as curriculum resources as needed by each content area. Textbook review cycles typically follow the completion of program reviews, and are conducted in five to six year increments, or as needed
- Textbook review and selection within the SDMA is conducted by teams of SDMA staff who receive criteria based training on the review and selection process. Textbooks within the SDMA are evaluated prior to selection using a predetermined criteria.
Other Instructional Materials
- During the Spring of 2020, staff within the SDMA began using online Learning Management Systems (LMS) with increased consistency.
- SeeSaw was selected for use in grades 4K-2 and can be used for students and teachers to upload items to be shared back and forth between school and home.
- Google Classroom was selected for use in grades 3-12. This tool is accessed primarily by students and staff. Families are able to receive weekly email updates when signed up to do so. Families who wish to receive these updates should reach out to their child(rens) teacher(s) to receive instructions on how to do so.
- In addition to posting assignments in Google Classroom, middle school grade level staff also maintain a week-at-a-glance presence on the grade level website that provides a high level overview of what is covered each week on each grade level page. Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8 Maroon, Grade 8 White.
- Available library/media resources available within the SDMA can be accessed via the District Catalog link on the District Library/Media Webpage.
Student Information Management System (SIS)
- Skyward SIS is in use for grades 4K-12 within the SDMA for recording of student attendance and grades.
- Skyward SIS provides access to parents for individual report card grades, and attendance in grades 4K-12
- Skyward SIS provides individual student and parent access to graded student assignments throughout grading periods.
- Weekly progress reports are sent out to parents via Skyward for students in grades 6-8.
Requests to View Physical Resources used Within a Course
- Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their childs’ teacher(s) with specific questions regarding the content and resources used within courses. In most cases, this is the most efficient way to have questions addressed.
- Other individuals who wish to view the physical resource(s) used within a specific course are asked to contact the building principal to arrange a time to view a physical copy (when available) of the specific resource(s) used within a course.
Parental Opt-out Process
The curriculum of the School District of the Menomonie Area incorporates educational guidelines and standards to maximize the learning of all students.
Situations may arise in which the parent or guardian would like to request that their child not participate in a particular instructional activity.
A request for an alternate learning activity may be addressed in a timely manner to the classroom teacher and/or building administrator.
All such requests will be considered at the discretion of the school district.
In the event that a student is to be excused from an activity, the teacher will:
A. prepare an alternative activity in the general subject area on which the student can
work independently to reinforce and/or extend acquired learning of content and/or
skill or develop new knowledge or skill;
B. arrange for a work location for the student that is properly supervised and provide
access to help, if and when needed;
C. try to ensure that there are no repercussions for the student either academically or
socially as a result of not participating in the regularly-scheduled activity;
D. keep a record of the alternative activity for communication with the parents, if such
information is requested.
Selection of Educational Materials
The process used for the selection and evaluation of educational materials is outlined in policy 361.