What's News

Enrollment for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 School Year
4K enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will start on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Please click on the above heading to learn more.
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The School District of the Menomonie Area is pleased to announce that beginning with the 2018-2019 school year families will have access to K-12 curriculum maps via our district website. Curriculum maps are housed within our Build Your Own Curriculum database, and provide a general overview of courses, along with the units and topics covered at each grade level by course. Individuals wishing to view our local curriculum maps should visit the Curriculum and Instruction page accessible under the District Information link on the district website. Once at the Curriculum and Instruction page, select Curriculum Maps. Curriculum maps are updated on an ongoing process in an effort to remain current, as well as to be responsive to the needs of all learners. Should you have questions related to the curriculum for any course, you are invited to contact the teacher of your student, building principal, or Assistant Superintendent of Instruction who can assist in directing you to the best individual to address your question.
RFP - Unified Strength and Speed Training
April 21st, 2018 Menomonie High School 1715 5th St W, Menomonie, WI 54751 (715) 232-2606 To whom it may concern, The Menomonie High School is accepting proposals from Strength and Fitness organizations to provide a unified strength and speed training to its student athletes. We invite your organization to submit a proposal by Tuesday May 8th, for consideration.
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Advertisement for Bids for Drainage Improvement
Work of this contract consists of fine grading and compacting existing base course, grading existing grass areas, installation of culverts, curb and gutter, 4” of new asphalt placed over base course, and installation of yard drains and storm sewer.
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Notice of Annual District Meeting and Budget Hearing
Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the School District of the Menomonie Area that an annual meeting, including a budget hearing, will be held at Menomonie High School, 1715 5th Street W, Menomonie, Wisconsin, on the 28th day of August, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. o’clock.
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Pupil Nondiscrimination Self-evaluation Report
PI 9.06 Wis Admin. Code, requires school district to evaluate the status of nondiscriminiation of equality of educational opportunities in the district once every five years.
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